Please visit https://www.reiki.org/faq/whatisreiki.html for more information on Reiki
Reiki Principles
Just for today, I will not worry. ...
Just for today, I will not be angry. ...
Just for today, I will be grateful. ...
Just for today, I will do my work honestly. ...
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

Reiki | Peace & Laughter
Reiki Sessions
Initial Appointment
90-minute initial Reiki session $110.00
The session itself includes 60-minutes of energy healing work, but 90 minutes is required in total to allow time for consultation before and after the session.

Reiki Package
3-sessions $300.00
(One 90-minute session, two 60-minute sessions)

I am currently offering IN-PERSON appointments in Gainesville/Haymarket Virginia.
REMOTE or DISTANCE HEALING session appointments are held with you in your choice of setting
Customized Reiki Intensive
The Reiki Intensive allows us to really focus on the root of what is ailing you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
in addition to Reiki, sessions may include utilizing crystals, sound therapy, cord cutting, meditation, and breath work.
Initial session will be for 90-minutes, following sessions, can be scheduled for either 60 or 90-minutes.
Sessions will be scheduled once a week for a consecutive 4-week time frame.
Reiki Intensive Package 1:
4 consecutive sessions: Initial session of 90-minutes, and 3, 60-minute sessions
TBD - Services Required
Reiki Intensive Package 2:
4 consecutive sessions: 90-minutes
TBD - Services Required
Chakra Balance, Cord Cutting, Crystal Reiki Energy Healing
Crystal Energy Healing sessions are done in person. They involve deep relaxation, removal of negative energy or old energy patterns in our system and an upgrade to feeling cleaner, brighter, more focused and motivated.
Time will be given to cutting cords and old ties that also need to be released, you can never cut a cord of love, but you can cut away the old stagnant energy. This is deep energy work.
All chakras are balanced and aligned during the session. I receive a great deal of intuitive feedback during the session, which will be discussed with the client during or after the healing is complete.

The session itself includes 60-minutes of crystal energy healing work, but 90 minutes is required in total to allow time for consultation before and after the session.
90-minute Session - $125.00
Client will also receive a gift of a custom Peace & Laughter Crystal Energy Wand with their Reiki Intensive Package
No limit as to how many continual packages can be purchased.
Reiki Recharge
Headache, back pain, feeling sluggish, unable to sleep, restlessness or just need a boost of energy.
Schedule a Reiki Recharge - feel refreshed and renewed.
We do not need to meet in person, which makes this appointment ideal for many. Reiki energy can be sent regardless of time and space - we will have a 5-minute consultation, and then I will send 15-minutes of Reiki to go to the thoughts, issues, or feelings that we discussed. You will not need to remain on the line, just be in a state of acceptance.
20-minute Session - 25.00
This is also a wonderful appointment to be scheduled regularly.
Couples Energy Healing
Individual Balance, Release & Alignment, and Heart Connection.
90-minute appointment consisting of: 30-individual healing, 15-minute combined $125.00
SPECIAL: Add a 30-minute Reading to any of the above services $44.00